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david amor
david amor
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 10, 2008 11:17PM
pikespeakgtx Wrote:
> Damn David who pissed in your Wheaties this
> morning?
I kid, I kid. If you're gonna have a name like "Maverick" though, you better come up with as good of a story as "Heymagic" did. Poking harmless fun at someone who wishes to remain so elusive, despite being politely asked his name and details is explicity allowed in the rules I believe smiling smiley
> Michael LeCompte

Gone fishing
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Michael LeCompte
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 09:37AM
Oh no question! Get out the vice grips and hang that man upside down by his toenails.

btw I was digging that aggressive attitude...folks in this area can be so tame. It was refreshing. I grew up on the east coast afterall.

Michael LeCompte
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 11:12AM
pikespeakgtx Wrote:
> Oh no question! Get out the vice grips and hang
> that man upside down by his toenails.
> btw I was digging that aggressive attitude...folks
> in this area can be so tame. It was refreshing.

> I grew up on the east coast afterall.
> Michael LeCompte

Should have guessed. 8(

I didn't see or even sense not one iota of aggressive attitude here, just a simple request to say a name.

Just look at the difference a name makes and a phone call or two.

Just in California alone we have three guys who to quote one of the guys down there "Your stuff on Special Stage used to just PISS ME OFF something royally every time.
Then I met you, shared some ciggies that time you were co-driving, realised who you were and THEN! realised I has mistaken both TONE and INTENT of what you wrote---it was all inside my head."

I say we're tooooo small it have animosity in any real sense (unless a person has written sufficiently on some subjects that it is clear they are irrevocably prejudiced, bigoted, or plain full of shit and hate that there is no doubt) and then the solution isn't aggression, it's disengagement.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

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Michael LeCompte
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 11:52AM
Yeah it's taken me a while to learn how to interpret your writing style over the interweb. I'm definately getting better at recognizing that you can come off crass at times but it's the way that I read it that pisses me off most of the time. I mean at times I've gotten seriously flamed up. And then kinda go back and read it and realize what you were saying. It helps, like you say, to know the person in real life and you get a huge insight into who they are in their "writing" life, without facial cues, hand gestures, its hard to tell how to take it. Things on either side of the keyboard can be misinterpreted really easy unless you're super clear and sometimes you take a shot at saying something a certain way in hopes the other person reads you loud and clear, and it falls short of it's intention.

For me personally I try to get along and feel it's more important to work together and mesh well and in this case build a community of people you can count on and trust, and end up with outcomes that are truly great and accomplish more than just one person is capable of.

That is the point of all of this isn't it?

But oh yeah I was more talking about Dave's mood yesterday I was picking up a fireyness or snappyness in his posts on the forum, not just in this thread. Maybe aggressive wasn't the word to use, but he was fired up and that was good to see.

Maybe more like assertive instead of aggressive. I don't know you're the one thats good with fancy words. Plus you've been a damn good mood for going on 3 months now I must say.

So what are you saying about disengagement vs. aggressiveness? I don't quite get it

Michael LeCompte
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 12:49PM
pikespeakgtx Wrote:
> Yeah it's taken me a while to learn how to
> interpret your writing style over the interweb.
> I'm definately getting better at recognizing that
> you can come off crass at times but it's the way
> that I read it that pisses me off most of the
> time. I mean at times I've gotten seriously flamed
> up. And then kinda go back and read it and realize
> what you were saying. It helps, like you say, to
> know the person in real life and you get a huge
> insight into who they are in their "writing" life,
> without facial cues, hand gestures, its hard to
> tell how to take it. Things on either side of the
> keyboard can be misinterpreted really easy unless
> you're super clear and sometimes you take a shot
> at saying something a certain way in hopes the
> other person reads you loud and clear, and it
> falls short of it's intention.

Yeah but the problem there is that then peeps complain "you're being condescending and talking down to us " or "You come with a know it all attitude" so I say fuckit, I'll just write like i talk and tell them to call.
> For me personally I try to get along and feel it's
> more important to work together and mesh well and
> in this case build a community of people you can
> count on and trust, and end up with outcomes that
> are truly great and accomplish more than just one
> person is capable of.
> That is the point of all of this isn't it?

More is accomplished thru cooperation than the big lone genius sitting alone.
I borrow a Zen phrase and make it 'Merikun: (Since i grew up watch cowboy films about the settlers doing the wagon train thang and coming under attack from Injuns.)
what is the sound of one wagon circling?
> But oh yeah I was more talking about Dave's mood
> yesterday I was picking up a fieriness or
> snappiness in his posts on the forum, not just in
> this thread. Maybe aggressive wasn't the word to
> use, but he was fired up and that was good to
> see.
> Maybe more like assertive instead of aggressive. I
> don't know you're the one thats good with fancy
> words.

Dave Amor is Italian and Latin culture allows for fieriness and flare ups. I've spent a nice day schmoozing with him so I don't think anything of a wee "edge", it's just like me when I say "Wot da fawk!!!!" (which always is done with a strong Italian accent---I did live there as a child and a lot may have rubbed off)

Plus you've been a damn good mood for going
> on 3 months now I must say.

Aside from lying swine who purposely come here to TROLL---and i have an email mistakenly sent to a friend where the more active troll was saying shit like "having fun exposing JV lies so come on over and join in" it's clear we all HERE have the INTENT to help each other out to the degree we can.

How did Marx put it?
> So what are you saying about disengagement vs.
> aggressiveness? I don't quite get it

I'm saying there's enough guys building good stuff, cars, parts, events, thought out arguments, reasoned wonderings, that why bother getting keyboard aggressive , its easier to just disengage---unless they are maliciously lying.
(or 2nd of 2 total rules here)
> Michael LeCompte

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
Remember! Pacific Standard Time
is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2008 05:41PM by john vanlandingham.
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Albert Kun
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 01:03PM
Hey, C'mon you guys, play nice.

I think I would be a great subject for some sweet tech videos. I consider myself really good at drilling holes in the wrong places, getting the 4-inch grinder whipped out of my hands, and there are some great shots of me getting lost on a rally cross course. I also have six hours of awesome footage of me cutting out a brand new fucked up rollcage.

For christ's sake man! Check yourself; Anonymous guy "looking for guys near Sacto". Thats just plain creepy. Whats the plan, are you going to offer me some wine and give me the reach-around?

signed-the grumpy officer who spills coffee all over himself when you buzzed the tower.

PS I am always up for some beach volleyball.
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 02:41PM
I almost made the Goose/Iceman comment.

I sent the poor guy here from SS.com. He shot a rally zombie video and is looking for some more help with real rally stuff.

And yes, I break the cardinal rule of this board by not posting all my personal info. Why? Because of an identity theft I suffered a few years ago. The guy ended up (ironically) buying a brand new Volvo S60 in my name. When we went to court for his arraignment, they couldn't find him in jail. Why? Well, he was actually in a different courthouse at the same time in a parole violation hearing under a different identity. He had 20 names and nobody knew which one was really his. I still don't know who he was, so I just call him motherfucker.

So who am I? The only guy actually racing a Volvo 240 on a regular basis in North America right now. Not hard to narrow down, but why make being a victim so easy? You won't even find my real name on my own website (when I get around to putting it back up). I might go along with the rules if you couldn't lurk without logging in, but with spambots and the maliciousness of the internet, that's still a risky proposition.

Keep it sideways. Cheers.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2008 02:42PM by rallybrick.
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Grant Hughes
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 03:15PM
I figured this was the same. Where's the rally zombie movie? I was stoked on that one.
I was flipping through channels the other day and got stoked that Top Gun was on. Stayed on the channel and quickly realized it was not Top Gun, but actually was Days of Thunder (or whatever the Nascar Tom Cruise movie was called.) Decided to watch it anyhow. What a crappy movie.

Grant Hughes
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Jon Burke
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 03:40PM
NoCoast Wrote:
> I figured this was the same. Where's the rally
> zombie movie? I was stoked on that one.
> I was flipping through channels the other day and
> got stoked that Top Gun was on. Stayed on the
> channel and quickly realized it was not Top Gun,
> but actually was Days of Thunder (or whatever the
> Nascar Tom Cruise movie was called.) Decided to
> watch it anyhow. What a crappy movie.
> Grant Hughes
> www.nocoastmotorsports.net
> Denver, CO

pretty much the same story line....top flier/driver....gets put in different situation with close friends/jerks....near death experience....'loses it'.....'gets it back'....saves the day, get the girl.

just different vehicles.

Jon Burke - KI6LSW
Blog: http://psgrallywrx.blogspot.com/
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Shenandoah Bennett
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 04:51PM
Hey Brian,

That's a wild story man, can you tell us, or do you even know how he got your ID in the first place? How do these fuckers do it? I try to guard myself against ID theft, but I never thought that having just my name on a website would be a risk.



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Albert Kun
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 05:00PM
Dig this. There is a guy with the same name as me in the area here, Same spelling, same middle initial. He's a crappy lawyer. Every once in a while one of his clients calls me up desperate because he didn't show up for their hearing or didn't file papers or some such life wrecking screw up. I am just resigned to the fact one of them might show up and shoot me some day. oh well.
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Colten Becker
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 05:01PM
Hahaha damn you guys are ruthless. Its updated now, this website is so primative it took me a little while to even find where to update my profile. I thought I had entered in that info when I singed up. Damn..... winking smiley

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Jon Burke
Jon Burke
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 05:15PM
JVL, I think he just called you 'primitive'

fight! fight! fight! LOL

Jon Burke - KI6LSW
Blog: http://psgrallywrx.blogspot.com/
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Shenandoah Bennett
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Location: Long Beach, CA
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Does an old mountain bike count? Diecast miniature? Rally video game?

Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 05:16PM
Welcome to rally anarchy, Colten. If you have a good sense of humor and a thick skin you'll enjoy it here. BTW, where can we see that rally zombie movie?

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Looking for Guys Near Sacto
September 11, 2008 05:48PM
Jon Burke Wrote:
> JVL, I think he just called you 'primitive'

Well? My wife was allflustered at what a 'dinosaur' I am cause I don't use or care about cell phones and IM and text messeges and I was swearing at some clunky web site that didn't work for shit and so she was wanting to call me a grouch and got them mixed and called be a "grino-saur".
She's right!

But only thing I have to do with this site is I cooked up the "everybody's a moderator every post" idea in response to the heavy handed obvious favoritsm is that other places moderators.
> fight! fight! fight! LOL
> Jon Burke - KI6LSW
> Blog:
> 'Holy Shit!' @ 4:10

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
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is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.
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