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Challenge extrème Élite...

Philippe Bellefleur
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Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 04:48PM
So, when nobody wants to come to your races this happens, you give away 10 free entries! I think it's proof nobody is interested in his bullshit format.

Anyway, if anybody is interested, go for it, you're guaranteed a top 5 maybe even a podium!
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Philippe Bellefleur
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 04:53PM
Then... this.
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 06:26PM
Philippe Bellefleur
Then... this.

Says an awful lot..Too bad he sold his car..

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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Philippe Bellefleur
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 06:28PM
He still has it, didn't sell it.
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Mad Matt F
Matt Follett
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 09:24PM
Maybe I should get the justy out...
winking smiley

Think he'll bite?

I mean, it's extreme, and I'm elite. So...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2018 09:24PM by Mad Matt F.
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Philippe Bellefleur
same as above
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 09:26PM
Worth a try i suppose, and it's a subaru so you'll win.
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Mad Matt F
Matt Follett
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 09:53PM
But the hood is too thin to stand on for the champagne spray... whatever will I do???
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Mad Matt F
Matt Follett
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 12, 2018 09:54PM
Oh, I see RA has recently downgraded me to a senior moderator... so my elite status is in question.

Better do some more push-ups.
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 13, 2018 03:51PM
Philippe Bellefleur
He still has it, didn't sell it.

Vraimente? Good! I'm a big fan.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

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Philippe Bellefleur
same as above
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 13, 2018 04:40PM
Mad Matt F
Oh, I see RA has recently downgraded me to a senior moderator... so my elite status is in question.

Better do some more push-ups.

If you get into the race for free, you shall be knighted as senior ÉLITE ubermensch moderator of us all... and if you win don't forget to not mention the free inscription to phoque up his propaganda!
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Michel Hoche-Mong
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 13, 2018 05:43PM
So, what's the issue with his rallies? I know there was some controversy and a split and he went NRS a couple of years ago, but it's all way across the continent for me so I haven't really paid much attention. It seems like he's been getting 4-6 of the same cars over and over, and a bunch of bikes and UTVs.

Self-righteous douche canoe
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 14, 2018 03:17PM
So, what's the issue with his rallies? I know there was some controversy and a split and he went NRS a couple of years ago, but it's all way across the continent for me so I haven't really paid much attention. It seems like he's been getting 4-6 of the same cars over and over, and a bunch of bikes and UTVs.

Aside from the ridiculous name, there's the rule that all tires MUST be Pirelli, summer and winter, and that they MUST be bought from one guy, and the rule that says all fuel must be whatever and it must be bought from this other one guy...there is the fact that the rallies have had fields of i think the max was 8 or maybe 9 cars---can't remember but the event they had the largest entry the entire field DNFes...Yeah, brah that's elite! and Extreme! And obviously finishing a short event is a challenge..

Its just more balkanization of an already tiny balkanized sport..Kinda like Duh Knees inventing 2-3-4 "sanctioning bodies' in rapid succession..what the fuck is the point.

The fact that it was under the NASA umbrella means also that the fishy rules forcing people to buy ONLY Pirelli tires was in conflict with the stated goals of NASA being "for the clubbie guys", same with the Must buy your gas from one guy thing.. I have almost always run on 2nd had tires and pump gas..But in this obviously buddy deal I could not even buy second hand Pirellis someplace, has to be from his buddy..

In short, the whole pointlessness of the whole thing.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
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is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.
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Not Trolling
Keith Morison
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 14, 2018 04:38PM
john vanlandingham
...and the rule that says all fuel must be whatever and it must be bought from this other one guy...
Which includes 'pump' gas, which must be a 91 octane blend from the official fuel supplier at a significant premium over local pump prices. (I can't find it now, but think it is something like 10 cents/litre (corrected)... which admittedly is probably less than $40 over the weekend)

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2018 04:53PM by Not Trolling.
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Keith Morison
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 14, 2018 04:43PM
john vanlandingham
Philippe Bellefleur
Then... this.

Says an awful lot..Too bad he sold his car..

He also had a ride - sponsored, I think - in a side-by-side in the series last year.

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Philippe Bellefleur
same as above
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Re: Challenge extrème Élite...
June 14, 2018 04:44PM
Since John just beat me to it, let me add, he literally buys pump gas, puts a dye in it and sells it to you at a 10cents/L premium... now that's a load of bullshit!!!!

I understand that you want to control race gas but the ordinary shit for ordinary fucks like you and me, come on, give me a brake!

Everything is controlled by one person... and his sister.

I even met a guy at lapping 2 weeks ago who used to rally & he hates Tremblay. Why is it that every stranger i meet in the province with regards to rally hates his guts?

Oh, and i will never be a marshall or blocker for him again. Vince and I have crossed half the province twice to help (and learn shit before we start rallying).

The first time we were told to be timekeepers without any proper instruction but they didn't give us anything like even a 20$ for gas (no budget at Latuque we were told).

The second time, we were blockers and they told us nothing for blockers only timekeepers... (basically, go fuck yourself, but we need as many volunteers as possible, go figure!)

If you actually talk to the dude he sounds really full of himself!

For someone like Dubé, who did just about every race around here for the last 10 years, to refuse to come says it all. I think he got screwed... after all, he did the swap to sxs & dropped out, probably was promised stuff that never happened i guess.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2018 04:49PM by Philippe Bellefleur.
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