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Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..

Posted by Zagato78 
Dan Chairadonna
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Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 12:25AM
Hello all,

I've been too absent from the rally community. 2 kids under the age of 3; I have not had any time for myself. However, as the clouds part and the children don't require every spare moment, I am re-entering the world of rally. (que the fanfare in the background)

JV, the lancia project rusted apart! They rusted at the dealerships so to expect anything better was foolish. smiling smiley I still have one good car, really considering not rallying a Lancia. I'm thinking a stainless steel painted 240. And I shall name it Kenmore!

In all seriousness, I headed down to 100ac. It's in my backyard and was good to get the rally fever tuned up. Not enough 2 wheelieee cars, was hoping for a more diverse field. But, dirt slinging is still dirt slinging.

What have I missed in the past year? smiling smiley

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 12:49AM
Hello Dan, welcome back!
> Hello all,
> I've been too absent from the rally community. 2
> kids under the age of 3; I have not had any time
> for myself. However, as the clouds part and the
> children don't require every spare moment, I am
> re-entering the world of rally. (que the fanfare
> in the background)

Well don't I know that.
Our little Anna will be 3 in 10 days, and Ninotchka will be one in 6 weeks
> JV, the lancia project rusted apart! They rusted
> at the dealerships so to expect anything better
> was foolish. I still have one good car, really
> considering not rallying a Lancia. I'm thinking a
> stainless steel painted 240. And I shall name it
> Kenmore!

Hey did you see our resident madman John Lane won overall at the season opener here in Washington over the weekend in his Volvo 240??
> In all seriousness, I headed down to 100ac. It's
> in my backyard and was good to get the rally fever
> tuned up. Not enough 2 wheelieee cars, was
> hoping for a more diverse field. But, dirt
> slinging is still dirt slinging.

Yeah but how do you tell all those blue cars apart?
> What have I missed in the past year?

Everythings more expensive.
Everybody only refers to people by their first names as if they're buddies so you never say "Pastrana" or Block but "Travis" and "Ken"

Special Stage has become subservient to Rally America and has begun banning people who embarrass Rally America and locking threads that are not in any conceivable way offensive---see post "Ve haff veys av makink you not laugh at uns!"

Did I mention everything is way more expensive than before?
> Dan

Got any piccies of the kiddies?

What you thinking of now for something to hit trees with?

I now have been in contact with a auto transport company so RUST FREE cars can be transported very affordably.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
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is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.
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Dan Chairadonna
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 01:03AM

I popped into SS and saw all of that. Utter bullshit in my opinion, but then again I guess they didn't ask me. Sorry you had to put up with that. However, seeing the attitude of the RA people at 100ac, i'm not too supprised. The volunteers were all great people, the official folk were short tempered, rude and honestly acted as if they'd rather not be bothered with the whole affair. The privateers teams were all great! Had some fun conversation with them.

Grats on the upcoming b-days. I'll shoot you a current pic of the little ones. My son is nuts for race cars and hockey, makin dad proud *snifff*

As for the rally car, i'm thinking about just buying something to get driving again. Nothing crazy, just a car that will come home wadded up sometime soon. Building from scratch just takes me too long. Want to drive more,wrench less. If anyone knows of a good starter car being offered, please let me know.
Given the current rules, non turbo 2wd seems to be all that will get me a license. So be it, we'll get crazy later. The volvo has an appeal, a saw a bad ass Nean srt4 at 100 ac(really sounded good1). Spares for xratteis and the 240 are getting tough here in the midparts. Everything just rusts into the ground.

I'm open to opinions/options!! I've almost unloaded all the Lancia stuff, still have the ubber rare bits to clear out. they will fund the new car.

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Wilson von Kessler
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 07:34AM

If you want an up to date ready to go fun starter car, please see the Colts listed on the classifieds. They are not too far away from you.

The Silver Colt is literally turnkey, having run a few weeks ago at Sandblast. Rally TN is not to far away in either time or mileage.


"Talk about drugs. Driving a car like that, going that fast, it’s like all the drugs at once." - Tommy Byrne

"Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?" - The Brain
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Dan Chairadonna
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 09:30AM

thanks for the heads up, i'll check em out.

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Wilson von Kessler
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 09:55AM

Some unsolicited observation of the cars: http://teamtac.org/e107/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?27399

The level of prep on the silver Colt is exceptional.

Here it is in action at RWV last year. Since then it has a new suspension and the close ratio box.


"Talk about drugs. Driving a car like that, going that fast, it’s like all the drugs at once." - Tommy Byrne

"Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?" - The Brain

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2008 10:23AM by wvonkessler.
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 10:32AM
I saw the Colt at SandBlast a few weeks ago, pretty BADASS car with very good prep. Must be a blast to drive. I would consider buying it if I didn't already have too many cars.

Yes Wilson I was sneaking up at it and checking it out in the middle of the night whilst you were asleep and we were busting our asses rebuilding our dogbox. BTW, are you sure you don't need a bigger trailer for it ?

Phoenix AZ
Gaylant VR4
EVO III GSR (Stolen)

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Wilson von Kessler
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 12:17PM

We actually have a 24' gooseneck at our disposal that with just a change or two could carry both. We thought about placing two cars sideways on one of the smaller trailers.

I was wondering what that sticky stuff was on the back of the car.

Violated by a Turk. Poor gal.

Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you've a date in Constantinople
She'll be waiting in Istanbul

Nice job on the parking lot rebuild. You made some biker fans. While you were doing that, I was enjoying our free cold beer at our free cold beer sponsor in Cheraw, Oskar's Restaurant.


"Talk about drugs. Driving a car like that, going that fast, it’s like all the drugs at once." - Tommy Byrne

"Now, Pinky, if by any chance you are captured during this mission, remember you are Gunther Heindriksen from Appenzell. You moved to Grindelwald to drive the cog train to Murren. Can you repeat that?" - The Brain
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Richard Miller
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 01:23PM
Zagato78 Wrote:
> JV,
> I popped into SS and saw all of that. Utter
> bullshit in my opinion, but then again I guess
> they didn't ask me. Sorry you had to put up with
> that. However, seeing the attitude of the RA
> people at 100ac, i'm not too supprised. The
> volunteers were all great people, the official
> folk were short tempered, rude and honestly acted
> as if they'd rather not be bothered with the whole
> affair. The privateers teams were all great! Had
> some fun conversation with them.
Dan, which "official" people were short tempered and rude? Almost every one of the "officials" are volunteers also. I am sure the chief official of the rally, Tom Van Hatten, would like to know who to fire or at least reassign.

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Richard Miller
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 07:55PM
I repeat, who was rude to you? I just found out from my co-driver that because many of the volunteers from St. Louis did not make it into Salem on Friday due to the weather, people who normally would work Rally America only jobs like scoring and being a steward, actually moved into the field to fill in. There were apparently only about half the volunteers needed but RA helped fill in so that as a competitor, I did not even notice.

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Dan Chairadonna
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 11:14PM
Rich,sorry for the delay, been along day at work. I honestly didn't take note of any names. They were all in blue Rally America jackets. The event yellow coats were are pretty cool. Now, let me also state that some of that may be my midwest sensabilites. I say "good morning, looks like its going to be fun day" and I get in respons " hrpmph, I guess". That I take as rude.

I tend to be a bit talkative, especially when i'm amped about something. However, RA being the biggest example of our sport in America, I expect better. I had another blue jacket at a spectator stage, I just made another salutation, again rebuffed with something to the effect of "yeah yeah, nice day." Petty, perhaps, but as we all try to advance this sport I truely think RA should be leading by example.

Now, i've worked many a racing event and understand what dealing with large crowds can do to a person. If I was wasted and being stupid well then I could something less than enthused reaponses. I fan who is really enjoying the event, would it kill to be nice? Again, i didn't bother to notice names, I was intent on just enjoying my time at the race. Not a deal breaker, I'll be there next year.

Given the current state of things, I think RA would be better served by trying to be inclusive vs exclusive.

Dan smiling smiley
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 28, 2008 11:45PM
Richard Miller Wrote:
> Dan,
> I repeat, who was rude to you? I just found out
> from my co-driver that because many of the
> volunteers from St. Louis did not make it into
> Salem on Friday due to the weather, people who
> normally would work Rally America only jobs like
> scoring and being a steward, actually moved into
> the field to fill in. There were apparently only
> about half the volunteers needed but RA helped
> fill in so that as a competitor, I did not even
> notice.
> Richard
> RichardM

Richard, like a lot of people you seem to think that rudeness is solely in words.
Words can often be misunderstood or taken with the the worst of intents.
I feel that rudeness can also be in tone, and even in "posture".

And then there's that special class of person who wants to appear concerned with being friendly to everybody, but writes incredible elaborate stories and lies when he thinks people don't know what he's saying, know what I mean, Richard?

Perhaps Dan ran into the same Rally America "Oafish-als" that the County Councilman who wrote in to the local paper dealt with.
Didya follow the link on SS.com?

He said, in effect "They didn't talk to us about Road permission till 2 weeks before the event. They Talked to the Chamber of Commerce, the Town etc, but not to us till then, and that's just not how its done..."
Whoever it was the guy dealt with were rude by their actions.

Rather than grill Dan "Who? WHO? WHO!!!???" maybe take it as written.
Now I've talked a lot with Dan and he is a friendly guy and sinc e we were talking about his Lancia, and some "brilliant" ideas that some of his gang came up with, and you can imagine my reaction to "what if we used a Ford Escort engine and gearbox? let me assure you Mr Chiaradonna is now thin skinned sniveling weenie boy
looking to be offended like some people.

Take it as written.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
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is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.
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Richard Miller
Richard Miller
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 29, 2008 09:37AM
I have brought this to the attention of Bruce Weiman who is in charge of making sure every one gets their coffee in the morning. I will let you know what he says. But you are right, even the casual spectator is important. All of us, volunteers, competitors and stewards need to try and be friendly at all times. Damn hard last weekend in that weather.

spelling correction


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2008 09:53AM by Richard Miller.
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Richard Miller
Richard Miller
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 29, 2008 09:39AM
And I've talked to you John. You are rude, boorish and foul mouthed. You are still a good driver and mechanic. Take it as written. No hidden agendas on my part. And you're short too.

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Hello fellow rallyists... people... fans.. ehhh..
February 29, 2008 11:19AM
Richard Miller Wrote:
> And I've talked to you John. You are rude, boorish
> and foul mouthed. You are still a good driver and
> mechanic. Take it as written. No hidden agendas on
> my part. And you're short too.
> RichardM

Richard, we've had one encounter which I aprreciated greatly at the time.

Over the years I have worked with lots of people in lots of different situations and different languages and eventually realised that sometimes some people communicate differently, and understand things differently.
I also have lost lots of hearing (in different ranges) in both ears by early 30s, so knowing that sometimes people don't catch what we say to each other, and knowing unless I face directly somebody when speaking I won't hear them, I do a ,more or less standard announcement when meeting with people I'll have to work with quickly and without error like when we were there in Michigan and it goes something like this:

"Time's short and I really don't hear so well and I don't know if i explain things so clear sometimes, specially when things are rushed so if I ask for some sort of acknowledgment for something back from you, if I say "Got it?" then gimme back some sort of acknowledgment, OK?
Then I cue with gestures that that is a case of I want some sort of response back, like an "OK, got it" or an "Claro!" "d'Accord" something. This has worked in at least a dozen other counties and in a heap of other languages, so you can see why I might have been a bit baffled at silence.

When I did that with you and your wife, I recieved silence and what appeared to me to be blank stares.
I recall clearly that I was very confused because the little explication of "How dialog works clearest when time is short" has nearly always seemingly been understood as something very useful when there is a high chance for misunderstanding.

When I tried rephrasing things and did a more dramatic flourish "Do you know what I mean?" again blank stares, this time for real.

I had no idea what was up, what was not being understood, or if the blank stares and silence was something I had no idea what the meaning was.
Still don't.

Now I appreciate the driving of the service van in the appalling weather on the first night and out to Copper Harbor on the second day, but this virtual silence from you guys part was downright weird---but something that I had no idea what was up, and no time or desire to try and wonder what was behind what appeared to be sulking or pouting---I had my hand full with Tom G. who as we saw with 14 minutes of MTC penalties, was having a hard weekend to concentrate, if not a good time watching.

Now I know the milages out and back to the service point South and to Copper Harbor
and I have an idea what the SLAAB drinks in the woods and on transits.

So when I read that I stiffed you for "Hundreds of dollars" for gas, when you have had full mailing address and contact for at years after, and you never contacted me or Tom Gillespie to clarify what you felt was owed you, and when I read the rest of your utter fantasy about the goings on after results were posted you've written to people who were not there, I see somebody who doesn't appear to be rude or appear to be a "boor"*, or appear foul mouthed, but I see one who is worse in every way: I see a dishonest man who keeps a facade in public but who slanders and "gangs up" when he thinks nobody knows what he's saying.

You know what we call that where I come from?

I was raised to treat others as I would have them treat me, if a person is polite, then I am polite; but I was also raised to be honest.
So I don't meet your standards of public behaviour,
you don't meet any of my standards at all, Richard.

And you still have the means to contact me and discuss what you believe I owe you.
If its water under the bridge, then why bring it up like you did just a while back?
Is the not settling up more valuable so you can write crap about somebody behind their back?

*(had to look that one up as I've never had occasion to use the word, boor (br)
From the Dutch boer: farmer cf bauer.
1. A person with rude, clumsy manners and little refinement.
2. A peasant.

Now it may have not occurred to you but you've actually had rather limited context in which to judge my manners and "refinement" seeing as all of our contact has been in extremely limited social settings and subjects. A few brief contacts in rushed service points and in the single context of SS.com, and you conclude I "lack refinement".

Odd that you feel you make a flat statement when you have such limited contextual material to work with.

Oh that's right!! It's all right if you can make personal "ad hominim" attacks!!!
Got it!

Richard, I do not respect the facades that people build for themselves, I look to the persons behavior, and implications and intentions in what people say and do.

Oh snap! That seems to be a rather more complex way of interacting with people that the superficialities of their mannerisms or language.

Oh dear.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat

CALL +1 206 431-9696
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is 3 hours behind Eastern Standard Time.
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