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Underground Rallies & invite only events?

Posted by Rallyho 
Andrew Steere
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 09:21PM
I'm finding that a bottle of inexpensive red wine is working pretty well tonight...

Now these unsanctioned events, I'm not sure what you're talking about, I heard that this event was sanctioned by Raoul Duke:

Andrew Steere
Lyndeborough, NH
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Mike White
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 09:49PM
Oh Andrew...Tisk, tisk, tisk...you naughty little TrunkMonkey. You're going to have to pick nits off of Chris Brenton's hairy back for the rest of the rallyX season for posting that picture.

She's screamn' fer eet!
Mike White

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2006 10:03PM by Rallyho.
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Dave Maxwell
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 10:03PM
Brenton own a black STI with goofball graphics down the sides?
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Mike White
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 10:04PM
Goofball...yup, that's him.

She's screamn' fer eet!
Mike White
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Dave Maxwell
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 10:17PM
yea, I saw him running down in Conneticut at the wintercross.

it was snowing that morning and he blew past me on the highway on the way down. Had places to be I guess.
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Andrew Steere
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 10:43PM
What, I found that on google, yeah, that's it, and was just wondering if the rumor I heard about it being sanctioned by the Gonzo Rally Cabal was true! I know nothing else, and I sure don't want to pick bugs off trunkmonkey backs. Eeeeww.
smiling smiley

Andrew Steere
Lyndeborough, NH
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Andrew Steere
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 10:49PM
Parry Wrote:
> Yea, I'm in southern new hampshire, i'm like 15
> minutes off the beach.
> I have a hard time imagining being able to do
> something like that down here. Too much heat, too
> populated to make it very easy.

One of the reasons I skipped out of Dovah for less developed areas, the others being too many Massholes making it impossible to buy anything on the coast, and the @#^@% bridge to Dover commute being others. That and nearly doubling my money in 5 years on my condo.

Now I have a mile of gravel in three directions from my house, one of which is a "not maintained for winter use" road. Whoohoo! I can have my own personal practice just about whenever I want, now.

Andrew Steere
Lyndeborough, NH
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Dave Maxwell
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 21, 2006 11:11PM
yea, I'm in exeter.

lived here forever, but i'm not such a big fan anymore.

My great grandmother is in Bath, NH. now that isn't a bad spot.
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Mark Malsom
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 22, 2006 12:42AM
unsanctioned, flat out? sounds like core.

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alex morgan
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 22, 2006 08:43AM
was reading this then relized you guys live where there are trees!

the ranch roads i drive at night have 0 trafic and any car can be

seen 2 miles away and generally i turn around an get out of there.

they got rifles.


i'm in texas panahndle,
full of gas and oil wells
to slalom.

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Ted Mendham
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 22, 2006 09:02AM
Moo Hampshire, mon.
We got trees, guns, cheap booze and cheap cigarettes.
But that's not why the sheep are scared.

Ted Mendham
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Mike White
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 23, 2006 09:31AM
Ted...neigh means NO!

She's screamn' fer eet!
Mike White
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Ted Mendham
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 23, 2006 09:43AM
And we all know that no really means yes!
Ya aren't beleivin' what those lying ewes and heifers are sayin' about Uncle Ted are ya?

Ted Mendham
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Dave Maxwell
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 23, 2006 06:47PM
I thought it was yes means yes, no means duct tape?

edit: or is that just in seabrook?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2006 06:48PM by Parry.
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Wilson von Kessler
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Re: Underground Rallies & invite only events?
February 28, 2006 09:30PM
I've got a set of waypoints that take you from Savannah, Tennessee to Sparta, Tennessee over 400+ miles of roads of which over 90% are gravel. Nice thing about Tennessee is that unposted roads outside of a town or city (and most of these roads are) have a speed limit of 65. And a bunch of the roads are twisty or rough enough that you would be hard pressed to average 65 mph on them. I'd be more than happy to post them for anybody who thinks that they can complete the route under the target time based upon the posted and unposted speed limits.


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