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Hi I'm back

Posted by Skye 
Skye Nott
Senior Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
Join Date: 12/18/2005
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Rally Car:

Hi I'm back
September 11, 2006 08:58PM
Back from Canuckistan, Ali got her final immigration approval so we went up to do all the bullshit paperwork etc for about a month. Back in Puyallup now getting ready for the move to Vancouver in November, hope to have the rally car running by then! Almost done the oil system and starting on the new cooling hoses. Going up to JVAB on Wednesday to make the turbo/IC hoses and get things ready for the Corrado engine swap...


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Jason Wine
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Re: Hi I'm back
September 11, 2006 10:32PM
ooh corrado's- my 1st love

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Mustafa Samli
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Re: Hi I'm back
September 11, 2006 10:38PM
It's about time you are back dammit grinning smiley

Phoenix AZ
Gaylant VR4
EVO III GSR (Stolen)

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Kirk Coughlin
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Dreaming of escorts and xrats

Re: Hi I'm back
September 12, 2006 07:15AM
Moving to Vancouver Washington, or BC?

Skye Wrote:
> Back from Canuckistan, Ali got her final
> immigration approval so we went up to do all the
> bullshit paperwork etc for about a month. Back in
> Puyallup now getting ready for the move to
> Vancouver in November, hope to have the rally car
> running by then! Almost done the oil system and
> starting on the new cooling hoses. Going up to
> JVAB on Wednesday to make the turbo/IC hoses and
> get things ready for the Corrado engine swap...
> Skye
> ______
> Undercover Canadian evildoer
> Rally car's almost done I swear...
> www.rallyrace.net

Kirk Coughlin
Woodbury, MN and River Falls, WI

Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est.
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Skye Nott
Senior Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
Join Date: 12/18/2005
Age: Possibly Wise
Posts: 476

Rally Car:

Re: Hi I'm back
September 13, 2006 11:48PM
BC of course... Vancouver WA isn't even a REAL city its just a suburb of Portland
*scoff* winking smiley


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Grant Hughes
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Rally Car:

Re: Hi I'm back
September 14, 2006 08:36AM
I was so pissed off when I was 17 and my family was planning a trip to Vancouver for a wedding/family reunion. I found all the skateparks in the Vancouver, BC area and was stoked. Then, as we're on our way, I find out we're actually going to Vancouver, WA. It was horrible. There skatepark sucked. I went to Burnside a couple times and then we went out to Lincoln City, but this was before the new park there. They had an old like 70s built skatepark. My sister and I got caught in a pretty gnarly riptide in Lincoln City too. Got pulled way out, and like 2 miles down coast before we could swim out of it.

Grant Hughes
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John Lane
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Speak of the Devil.....
September 14, 2006 01:00PM
Skye I've been wondering what happened to you.

Seems just a little ironic that you come back just as Morten does.

Has Morten offered you an Olive branch?
Perhaps you want to beat him with it.

Welcome back Skye.

John Lane


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Skye Nott
Senior Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
Join Date: 12/18/2005
Age: Possibly Wise
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Re: Hi I'm back
September 14, 2006 06:41PM
Well at least there was some park, I didn't grow up in Vancouver but a little podunk town in the interior with NOTHING to do....

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Gord B
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Re: Speak of the Devil.....
September 14, 2006 08:11PM
OR, maybe Sky and Morten are the same person. Is Morten. Sky's alter ego... Hhmmmmmm??? Drunk minds want to know...

...If you don't go off at least once a season you are not trying hard enough...
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Skye Nott
Senior Moderator
Location: Vancouveh
Join Date: 12/18/2005
Age: Possibly Wise
Posts: 476

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Re: Speak of the Devil.....
September 15, 2006 01:30AM
Don't EVER suggest such a thing! Aughhh!!!!

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Kirk Coughlin
Mega Moderator
Location: Saint Paul, MN
Join Date: 01/08/2006
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Rally Car:
Dreaming of escorts and xrats

Re: Hi I'm back
September 15, 2006 11:33AM
BC? (sigh) Well youre a pretty cool guy. I suppose I can forgive you.

Skye Wrote:
> BC of course... Vancouver WA isn't even a REAL
> city its just a suburb of Portland
> *scoff*
> Skye
> ______
> Undercover Canadian evildoer
> Rally car's almost done I swear...
> www.rallyrace.net

Kirk Coughlin
Woodbury, MN and River Falls, WI

Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est.
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