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I am considering selling my XR

Posted by PAddy 
Patrick McVeigh
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I am considering selling my XR
November 21, 2006 09:21AM
I figgure I'd be better off buying a beater street XR, dumping the crap I have for it (suspension, brakes, motor) onto that, and selling the caged shell to someone who can afford to rally it in the next couple years and pay off some of my big school bills with the remaining loot.

I've enjoyed building this car quite a bit (though it has been a fight at times) and have a list 3 pages long of "things I'd do different next time". So where's the harm in taking a 'next time'? Shell prep is the easy part.

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Brian Driggs
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 21, 2006 10:16AM

Personally, I've been there, although not during a rally project. My all motor DSM, now relegated to daily driver status in lieu of a rally car build up, has set me back a small fortune and many months of downtime. There have been many times when I step back and think to myself, "Next time, I'll just piece together a custom turbo kit, slap some nice wheels on it, and make it look pretty."

When you get to that point where all the thoughts about how you could have done things better in the past and all the things left to do and how the hell are you going to pay for all this crap are just about to drive you insane, it's time to take a step back and stop thinking about it.

Is the car paid for? Are all the parts you currently have paid for? If so, what harm will parking the project for a month, two, or six, cause? Likely, none. Chances are, despite the considerable investment you've got into this machine, it's got to me free and clear. You own it. There is no rush.

If you scrap it and part it, then you've just thrown away the money spent on it thus far. Everyone knows, you lose your ass on aftermaket parts when you sell them. Even new-in-the-box, you're going to have to eat some of that cost.

Personally, I say you hang up the tools and just get out of the garage for a while. Get some of that crisp winter air in your lungs and a little sunlight. Go hang out with, well, people, or something, and chillax.

Human nature is to not want to do anything we are told that we HAVE to do. You don't have to finish the caron any particular date. Push the date back indefinitely and it's like you have a rally car project that you can go back to at any time. When you do come back to it, it's right there, happy to see you.

Good luck with your decision.

Brian Driggs | KG7KCA | PHX, AZ | 89 Pajero
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 21, 2006 11:07AM
PAddy Wrote:
> I figgure I'd be better off buying a beater street
> XR, dumping the crap I have for it (suspension,
> brakes, motor) onto that, and selling the caged
> shell to someone who can afford to rally it in the
> next couple years and pay off some of my big
> school bills with the remaining loot.
Paddy, I see whatcher saying now, keep the bits and just off the caged car.
Well maybe.

Start with a nice west coast one when you move to Rally Mecca BC.
Yep that's not completely crazy.
> I've enjoyed building this car quite a bit (though
> it has been a fight at times) and have a list 3
> pages long of "things I'd do different next time".
> So where's the harm in taking a 'next time'?
> Shell prep is the easy part.

But its the foundation to the whole structure.
Might talk to Dustin in Knoxville, or even John Cassidy in Maine.

(and yeah--4%)

> Discuss.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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John Cassidy
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 21, 2006 07:11PM
My shell is well on its way, so don't look at me! ;-)

Cheers! John

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Rally West
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 23, 2006 12:55AM


He eats children in the forest!!!

He has big feet...and you know what that means...big shoes!!!

Plus, if NO BODY buys the smut he is peddling he will have no choice but to keep it and it it can haunt him from the garage for the rest of life!!!

Welcome to my world!

Thanks To: Billygoat Racing "Smokin' since 1977"
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Ted Andkilde
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 24, 2006 01:05PM
Pat, screw paying your bills -- finish the car and have fun with it, you'll get pennies on the dollar for it, you've invested tons of time and effort already and you'll kick yourself as soon as it's gone.


Sell it and buy a finished car.

If you get car running you'll be able to run TSDs, rallycrosses and ice races until you've got the dough to rally.

You need to enjoy yourself while you have the freedom, the progression begins with college, goes to wife, house, career, kids, a bigger house and dumps you on the wrong side of 40 not having had an opportunity to persue the stuff you wanted to do.

Don't get me wrong, all the aforementioned stuff is good and healthy, but...

As Joe Pesce might say, have fun while you're still a Yute!

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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 24, 2006 03:11PM
I think I have decided to list it and see. If somebody takes it, great, I'll even help them finish the car. If not, into storage she'll go...
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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 26, 2006 08:15PM
Wow, I actually recieved an offer. Who knew caged XR's were in demand?
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
November 26, 2006 11:06PM
Keep us posted!
(they'll need a few things...)

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
December 17, 2006 08:59PM
Car is sold as of tonight.

Anyone got a non sunroof NO F!@^*%#! rust (and I mean NONE) XR to be my daily driver? Gotta pass a safety inspection here, but wouldn't really need much of an interior...
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Grant Hughes
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
December 17, 2006 09:10PM
Another rallyist? How much did you end up selling it for. Just the caged shell or with other stuff?

Grant Hughes
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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
December 17, 2006 09:56PM
NoCoast Wrote:
> Another rallyist? How much did you end up selling
> it for. Just the caged shell or with other stuff?

To a nice Ontario guy who wants to make a rally/track fun car. Got my asking price, which covers my costs into the car (and my time at $0.02 per hour). Just my shell, kept all the other goodies for my street car (which I still need to find and buy).

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Martin Walter
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
December 17, 2006 11:11PM
Fer fucks sakes Paddy. I was looking forward to some group 5 competition... you couldn't even find a rally guy to sell it to! :-(

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Patrick McVeigh
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
December 18, 2006 07:10AM
MRWmotorsports Wrote:
> Fer fucks sakes Paddy. I was looking forward to
> some group 5 competition... you couldn't even find
> a rally guy to sell it to! :-(

Just because they don't post on here doesn't mean they don't want to rally their car. I would expect to see it at Ontario rallies, and besides, trees seem to be giving you all the competition you need right now ;-)

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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: I am considering selling my XR
December 23, 2006 03:56PM
PAddy Wrote:
> Car is sold as of tonight.
> Anyone got a non sunroof NO F!@^*%#! rust (and I
> mean NONE) XR to be my daily driver? Gotta pass a
> safety inspection here, but wouldn't really need
> much of an interior...

One just waiting for you to come pick it up.
You know the address.

(Finally have electricity Thursday night, internet and phone saturday afternon, but we're all sick.)

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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