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John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...

Posted by BobOfTheFuture 
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John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
June 27, 2013 05:01PM
Koenigsegg agrees

I'm convinced. This seems like some pretty damned good tech.

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Kirk Coughlin
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
June 27, 2013 08:30PM
That's kind of cool.

Kirk Coughlin
Woodbury, MN and River Falls, WI

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John Lane
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
June 30, 2013 03:39PM
I'm eager to see this technology find it's way into cars mere mortals can drive.

A force-fed three liter so equipped would be a monster.


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Josh Wimpey
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
June 30, 2013 09:05PM
There was a company running camless diesel trucks at PPIHC way back in the early 2000's or maybe even late 1990s. They played with both air driven and electro-magnetic poppets.....


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Pete Remner
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 01, 2013 07:32AM
*whistles softly*

Pete Remner
Cleveland, Ohio

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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 03, 2013 08:39PM
It seems like the valve might be shutting pretty quickly? Are they programing them to not slam shut?
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Michel Hoche-Mong
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 04, 2013 05:10PM
Ha! About time.

Somewhat interesting side story:

Back in college (late 80s), I was supplementing my income by working part-time for a guy who was a freelance inventor. I was originally hired to assemble boards for a particularly efficient audio amplifier he'd designed but we ended up fiddling around with some other things as well. One of the projects was using concrete to build a really low frequency folded horn (a Klipsch Horn, basically), and we were also fiddling around with alternate ways of driving it, trying to avoid some of the losses of a standard round speaker.

About the time we were doing that, the motor on my old Subaru DL Wagon blew, and he let me use his shop to swap in a junkyard replacement. While resetting the timing, we started talking about the valves and how similar they were in operation to speakers, and that led to a discussion about using a magnetic field to drive them.

So we started messing about but didn't get very far, just some designs using stainless rods with a ferrite bead in the middle, wrapped in a couple of homemade high-density coils. Just slamming it open and closed as fast as we could. All pretty bulky - this was just garage-workshop stuff.

Anyway, shortly after that he ran out of money and closed up shop and went back to work for a Major Corporation, and I went back to grading papers. Every now and then the idea comes up again in casual conversation, but this is the first time I've seen an actual implementation of it.

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Andrew Steere
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 04, 2013 07:34PM
Thank you for making me spend most of the past hour looking at old articles about the Platinum Audio Air Pulse 3.1 speaker. I used to work for the photographer who had them as a client. Biggest damn horn speakers ever...unfortunately they pretty much bankrupted the company (although I did get a screaming deal on some of their stuff at the bankruptcy auction...which I've since sold off. sad smiley ).

Andrew Steere
Lyndeborough, NH
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Albert Kun
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 05, 2013 12:39AM
Back in the bachlor-pad days, my house mate got into dealing vintage speaker. We had JBL Paragons, Metrogon, huge magnesium multi cell horns (the ones mounted to the choppers in Apocalypes Now) and tube amps galore... the neighbors loved us.
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Michel Hoche-Mong
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 06, 2013 12:24AM
Josh Wimpey
There was a company running camless diesel trucks at PPIHC way back in the early 2000's or maybe even late 1990s. They played with both air driven and electro-magnetic poppets.....

Had to do some digging, but found it. Sturman Industries, in Woodland Park CO of all places.

They have a picture of a Jetta TDI on that page. Maybe you should contact them about building a head for the oiler.

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Pete Remner
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Re: John likes to go on about how wasteful cams are...
July 06, 2013 07:00AM
It seems like the valve might be shutting pretty quickly? Are they programing them to not slam shut?

That's been the biggest problem with non-camshaft actuation. Getting the valves to shut "nicely" so they don't beat the hell out of the seat. Most of the schemes that seem to have worked would limit the RPM range, so they'd work great in narrow-band applications like big Diesels, not so much in an application where the RPM range is 10x-20x.

Pete Remner
Cleveland, Ohio

1984 RX-7 (rallycross thing)
Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2013 07:01AM by Pete.
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