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Why post "who cares?"

Posted by Iowa999 
no-one of consequence
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 10:06PM
Who cares?
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Foard Cleveland
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 10:16PM
Who cares?
I care I like to know that I'm talking to a rallyist, not some computer pushin rallycross fan boy, I like to listen to someone who knows what sitting in a garage crawling through a roll cage the night before a rally to get the safety equipment is like, or what it's like to brake an axle in testing without the tools to repair it… you don't seem like that type.

Foard Cleveland
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no-one of consequence
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 10:54PM
That's cool and it's, of course, well within your rights. But why does it matter? Would you give a different answer to a relatively simple question to someone who does or doesn't rally? That would make sense, if you assume that folks who do or don't rally would require different kinds of answer, but wouldn't it make more sense to ask how much knowledge they have, instead? Or is it that you won't answer questions from certain folks? I guess that also could make sense, if you assume that your time is valuable and the ROI of answering questions depends on what the asker will do with the information. (The only problem I see with this second possibility is that it will probably take more time to ask the questioner who they are, etc, than just answer the question in your first reply.) Or is it that your answer would depend on whether I'm in competition with you? I can easily understand that ... until I remember that this is the internet, not a private discussion.

Maybe one of my problems is that I "live" in a basic science world, instead of applied engineering. The only time that I would ever play what I see as games instead of answer a question (or ignore the question and go on with whatever I was doing) is if I was worried about an evil application. That half-happened once, when I was asked a question about my work by someone from Iran. The rest of the time, because the point of being a basic scientist is to move everyone forward, I just answer the question and, then, maybe, afterwards, if I'm curious, ask why they asked.

ps. the first phrase of your first sentence includes a false dichotomy; I usually ignore those traps
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Albert Kun
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 10:56PM
If you want to bring research into it, then let me give you some tips as a past/current Associate Editor of two tier-one journals. If you write a review that says, in effect, "who cares?" I'm going to ignore you, send you fewer paper to review, and never vote that you be put on an editorial board; this will damage your career. In contrast, if you wrote (the equivalent of) "Block's car has an active planetary center with a hand-brake fly-off, but I don't think that you should be thinking about that because (a) his transmission costs more than your first car (and tow-rig) should, (b) you won't be driving an Open-class car any time soon, and (c) there are lots of other things that you ought to be thinking about, instead," I will not only go out of my way to thank you for being very helpful (to me and the authors) and send you more stuff to review, but I'll help move you onto the editorial board as soon as possible; your career will be enhanced.

Those must be some super-gay journals.

Sorry thats a bit off-the-cuff.

The idea that that stroking the ego of an editor is what moves you forward in the peer review process and will enhance your career infers sad things about academic science, and would be decried by homosexual friends of mine as "totally gay".

There, thats better.
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no-one of consequence
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 11:01PM
Unless you have a high-eight or nine-figure fortune to squander, or you're an engineer trying to make a living squandering said fortunes on motorsport, the reality is IT DOESN'T MATTER.

Please try applying this kind of thinking to any of a variety of other issues, preferably one that you have some strange interest in. For example, given than faster-than-light travel will not occur in your lifetime, if ever, who cares how big the universe is. Repeat this process until you come across something care about that has no application to your life. Congrats. You are a higher primate. You just want to know stuff.
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no-one of consequence
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 11:04PM
The idea that that stroking the ego of an editor is what moves you forward in the peer review process and will enhance your career infers sad things about academic science, and would be decried by homosexual friends of mine as "totally gay".

At the risk of posting a false trichotomy, I have this narrowed down to three possibilities. 1. I failed to explain why editors appreciate reviewers who try to help. 2. You failed to read what I wrote carefully. Or 3. You're being purposefully dense.

Please note that I eliminated a fourth possibility from the list before posting: that you're a moron.

ps. please google the difference between "infer" and "imply" at your earliest convenience

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2014 11:06PM by Iowa999.
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Foard Cleveland
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 11:13PM
That's cool and it's, of course, well within your rights. But why does it matter? Would you give a different answer to a relatively simple question to someone who does or doesn't rally? That would make sense, if you assume that folks who do or don't rally would require different kinds of answer, but wouldn't it make more sense to ask how much knowledge they have, instead? Or is it that you won't answer questions from certain folks? I guess that also could make sense, if you assume that your time is valuable and the ROI of answering questions depends on what the asker will do with the information. (The only problem I see with this second possibility is that it will probably take more time to ask the questioner who they are, etc, than just answer the question in your first reply.) Or is it that your answer would depend on whether I'm in competition with you? I can easily understand that ... until I remember that this is the internet, not a private discussion.

Maybe one of my problems is that I "live" in a basic science world, instead of applied engineering. The only time that I would ever play what I see as games instead of answer a question (or ignore the question and go on with whatever I was doing) is if I was worried about an evil application. That half-happened once, when I was asked a question about my work by someone from Iran. The rest of the time, because the point of being a basic scientist is to move everyone forward, I just answer the question and, then, maybe, afterwards, if I'm curious, ask why they asked.

ps. the first phrase of your first sentence includes a false dichotomy; I usually ignore those traps
You are just full of yourself, it's not that you're smarter but more dense than any of the rest of us, you lack wit and ride your search engine to try to out smart us and make yourself seem better, you must not get along with others, do you always try to make yourself seem bigger than you are? Is it a result of being made smaller when you were called out as a child? Is belittlement painful?
These are all theories and completely off topic.

People say who cares in this forum because they don't and if they have any experience in the actual cars on stage and say that generally others with similar experience also do not care.

Foard Cleveland
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no-one of consequence
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 11:17PM
People say who cares in this forum because they don't.

On the surface, that might appear to be an answer to my original question. Unfortunately, it isn't. You see, people have lots of thoughts and feelings that they keep to themselves. So the fact that they don't care doesn't explain why they post "who cares?"
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Albert Kun
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 11:37PM
The idea that that stroking the ego of an editor is what moves you forward in the peer review process and will enhance your career infers sad things about academic science, and would be decried by homosexual friends of mine as "totally gay".

At the risk of posting a false trichotomy, I have this narrowed down to three possibilities. 1. I failed to explain why editors appreciate reviewers who try to help. 2. You failed to read what I wrote carefully. Or 3. You're being purposefully dense.

Please note that I eliminated a fourth possibility from the list before posting: that you're a moron.

ps. please google the difference between "infer" and "imply" at your earliest convenience

Oh, the heremeutics of the dialectic...

Someone posted "who cares" to imply you were asking a dorky question.

There, is that better?
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no-one of consequence
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 02, 2014 11:45PM
Yes, and I believe that that's close to the actual answer. If I had to guess - which I don't, but I will, because I'm calling it quits - I'd say that the purpose of posting "who cares?" is to show everyone else that you think that the person who is asking the original question is stupid and that the question, itself, is evidence of this.

It has only one goal: to insult. It is not meant to teach anyone anything useful. It is not - by a long shot - meant to help the person who asked the question. It is purely an attack.

For that reason, I believe that the appropriate reply to "who cares?" is "fuck off."
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Albert Kun
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 03, 2014 12:26AM
Well, thats that then.

When time permits, please google the difference betwwen "stupid" and "dorky".

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A.J. Johnson
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 03, 2014 12:30AM
^ This guy must have been raised on pillows and bon-bons. Frankly some of the best learning I've had in my life came from getting "who cares" type of answers. It is not a single minded reply nor does it mean its the end of the discussion. Its a short way of saying "its not important, if you don't believe me figure it out yourself." By not listening and making your own damn mistake of chasing a butterfly you learn that.... Gee it really fucking doesn't matter. Stop whining and start learning.
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john vanlandingham
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 03, 2014 01:25AM

J Toby Mordkoff

University of Iowa
Iowa City, USA

Associate Editor

Iowa City, USA

Associate Editor

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At first glace one of the publications this numbnuts is an ass-ociate editorat is not a very popular journal...

Oh wait, it gets better:

Article Type Article Publishing Fees Additional Page Charges (3)

Book Review
General Commentary
Opinion Article

Article length cannot exceed the limit

Mini Review Article
Perspective Article
CPC (1)

€ 575

Original Research Article
Clinical Case Study (2)
Hypothesis and Theory Article
Method Article
Review Article

When Research Topic Submission € 770
If Corresponding Author is a
Frontiers Associate or Chief Editor € 960
For ALL other cases € 50
For each page
exceeding the limit
When Regular submission € 1,280
If Corresponding Author is a
Frontiers Associate or Chief Editor € 1,600
For ALL other cases

Clinical Trial Article (2)
Technology Report

€ 2,000

Basically pay us piles of dough and we'll publish your article.

Poor J Toby Mordkoff, the world's leading expert a field !

But here he just can't get no respect.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 03, 2014 06:25AM
I think that was an attempt at an insult or something.

Andrew Steere
Lyndeborough, NH
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Foard Cleveland
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Re: Why post "who cares?"
April 03, 2014 07:22AM

Foard Cleveland
Blue Branch Rally Team
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