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Is this place really that apolitical?

Posted by john vanlandingham 
Tony Wells
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 11, 2012 02:27PM
john vanlandingham
Wot da fawk. Look at the slice of the pie which in one way or another, labeled as this or that, baked into other things maybe, that is devoted to the military and you're looking at maybe 1/2 of what the Federal Government spends.

That fact that it exists, and the way that it exists is not sustainable...yet there it is.
They don't call it "the third rail" for nothing....

Well we can choose to face it + the rest of the spending or be ZAPPED as ALL the Dominoes fall.....

For now.... Our choice. Not for long.

Do the math.... $16 Trillion of debt with Trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.... . How many dollars of debt for every person who is working? eye popping smiley Hyperinflation HAS TO FOLLOW as the Dollar crashes.... Only reason it hasn't is cuz there is no-where else in the world to go but precious metals..... The Stock market is over 13,000.... On what? That is pure hot air if ever I've seen it.

We're in a world of shit. Let's see if we can dig out of it. Now the Fed is talking about printing more.... ugh.

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Stinkfinger Lipschitz
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 15, 2012 07:04AM
Obama - a non starter in my book, the narcissistic TOTUS comes across as petty, arrogant and superficial.

Romney - I get this "it's my time to lead and I deserve it" vibe. His plan to slow down the growth of government is by tapping on the brakes. We're still going over the cliff, but at least we'll have more time to contemplate the abrupt stop at the end.

Johnson - Maybe, but he has a snowballs chance in hell.

My choice is Vermin Supreme. Why you may ask? Well it's easy. He's for zombie apocalypse awareness and wishes to support time travel research. And the deal maker for me is that he promises a pony to every American. Politicians keep their promises, right?

It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion.
William Ralph Inge

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Anne Francis
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 15, 2012 12:03PM
I guess we should invest in iodine tablets

Just a case study and needs expanded, but aluminum toxicity has been linked to alzheimers and the amount they give to babies in vaccines is crazy.

All sorts of things are toxic to babies with developing immune systems (still unknown allergies) and lowered tolerance to just about everything. With Flu season around the corner the one to watch for is Thimerisol. Rare these days but still worth asking about.
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John Lane
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 15, 2012 02:36PM
john vanlandingham

Just how confident are you that Iran's Nuclear intentions are peaceful?

Seems that the sandbox has erupted again...... Obama telling the whole world what a bunch of assholes we are was supposed to be the end of that.... Oh but those in the sandbox are busy chanting "Obama were all Osama"


Mebbe he shouldn't have spiked the football so many times?


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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 19, 2012 08:50PM
Rarely has a politician shown their colors more clearly..Did you hear how realxed, and normal Willard sounded when he was with his people who paid $50,000 each to "eat dinner" with Robme..

This deserves reprinting:

Oh, for the days when we thought Mitt Romney didn’t stand for anything.

As a secret video from a Boca Raton fund-raiser with high rollers in May shows, Romney in private stands for so many bizarre things that it’s hard to tell what’s crazier — his domestic policy or his foreign policy.

Less than 50 days before the election, we learn that Romney may have given up on half of America and on Mideast peace.

In a reply to a fat cat at the $50,000-a-plate dinner, he wrote off 47 percent of the country as deadbeats, freeloaders and “victims” who feel they’re entitled to stuff — stuff like basic sustenance.

“Well, there are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what,” he said. “All right? There are 47 percent who are with him. Who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they’re entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

The candidate, who pays so little in taxes relative to his income that he has to hide tax returns and money in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands, then added, condescendingly: “These are people who pay no income tax.”

“So my job is not to worry about those people,” he blithely concluded. “I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” What kind of presidential candidate shrugs off wooing whole groups — we’re talking many seniors and white-working-class voters in battleground states who are, if he actually knew what he was talking about, his own natural constituencies?

A “stupid and arrogant” one, as Bill Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard, put it.

Conservatives knew that Romney was no Reagan, but the tape left many Republicans and Obama strategists gobsmacked. One top Democrat called it “a treasure trove of stupid answers.”

On Fox News Tuesday, Neil Cavuto gently asked Romney if he had “prematurely” presumed that he couldn’t get all of those voters. Mitt’s rambles to the donors, released by Mother Jones magazine and, in a bit of poetic justice, unearthed by Jimmy Carter’s grandson, were a stunning combination of wrong facts, callous sentiments and dumb politics.

He seemed to have bought into the warped canard that some conservatives inside and outside of Congress have pushed: that the president and Nancy Pelosi were nefariously hooking people on unemployment benefits so they’d get addicted and vote Democratic to keep the unemployment bucks flowing like crack.

It’s literally rich: Willard, born on third base and acting self-made, whining to the rich about what a great deal in life the poor have.

We thought Romney was secretly moderate, but it turns out that he’s secretly cruel, a social Darwinist just like his running mate.

You’d assume that it would be hard now for Romney to resume bashing President Obama for demonizing and pandering on class warfare, with lines like he’s been using on the trail: “he and his allies are pushing us all even further apart by dividing us into groups.”

But, even as Mitt was spitefully demonizing and dividing in Boca, he remained cardboard-cutout un-self-aware, musing: “The thing which I find most disappointing about this president is his attack of one America against another America.” This is the absolute height of cluelessness.

At another point in the video, Romney once more showed his foreign policy jejuneness, questioning the workability of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, which is U.S. policy endorsed by W.

Mr. Sunshine said he sometimes felt “that the Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace — and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish.”

He continued: “You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize this is going to remain an unsolved problem,” adding, “And we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately somehow, something will happen to resolve it.”

Wow. That’s leadership. He said a former secretary of state had called him to suggest that after the Palestinian elections there might be a prospect for a settlement, but that “I didn’t delve into it.”

After months of doggedly trying to seem more likable, sharing his guilty pleasures like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Snooki, Romney came across as a mean geek, a Cranbrook kid at the country club smugly swaddled in class disdain. He thinks being president is his manifest destiny. His father didn’t make it, so he will — no matter what far-out conservative positions he must graft on to in order to do it.

We’re in search of the real Romney. But, disturbingly, so is he.

One thing we have to give Mitt, though: He is, as advertised, a brilliant manager. He’s managed to ensure that President Obama has a much better chance of re-election.
A version of this op-ed appeared in print on September 19, 2012, on page A29 of the New York edition with the headline: Let Them Eat Crab Cake.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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John Lane
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 22, 2012 02:27PM
john vanlandingham
Rarely has a politician shown their colors more clearly..

John.... Your boy Obama has gone out of his way to make clear that he sees anyone who has worked and succeeded in the USA as being the problem. Damned shame that you seem to see things just as Obama does. I've seen time and again the same rot in Government that says..... 'Must keep anyone from doing anything productive' be it by putting you through the ringer with all that ish you got to go through with your house.... Having to dig up dirt that wasn't going anywhere under a parking lot that had been there 70 years... The ish we got to deal with when we put up a fence in Preston, All the BS we see anytime one MUST have a permit to do anything, permission from those assholes to do anything with quick, certain harsh punishment for any who don't fall right into line. Unelected phuchtards with big power to decide if we can work and what it will cost to do so. May as well be 'grease' for the politicos. Ugh.

john vanlandingham
Oh, for the days when we thought Mitt Romney didn’t stand for anything.

As a secret video from a Boca Raton fund-raiser with high rollers in May shows

Laughs.... This is the best the Dems have on Romney? Your team is screwed! They've been keeping this in a desk drawer for a while.... It gets carefully edited..... Oh you didn't know about the two missing minutes of tape? wow..... Hee-hee.

john vanlandingham
Wow. That’s leadership.

Any sign of leadership will be a large improvement on what we've got with our Community Organizer in Chief's efforts taking us over the cliff ever faster.

See John the thing is that this election is not about supporting Romney. It is about removing Obama, Liberalism, and getting the Country back on a track that is sustainable. I have serious doubts as to if it is possible to save the USA at this point but remain hopeful. We must save the USA for your kids. 16 Trillion of debt being left for your kids is just wrong. Six trillion of debt while Obama has been in office sofar. Uh-oh. I know that I didn't get any money from Obama's stash. How about you?

john vanlandingham
Let Them Eat Crab Cake.

Not to my taste. I prefer a smoked salmon spread.... You like Crab Cake?


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Anne Francis
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
September 26, 2012 12:40AM
John & John,

I'm busy as a bee, hope you're both doing well! smiling smiley

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Andrew Steere
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October 04, 2012 08:03PM
My thoughts on the debate.

Romney was lying his ass off, but had the "What do I have to do to put you in this Rambler today," schtick going for him.

Obama was lying less, but looked like he was being scolded like a bad puppy most of the time.

He needs to bring his Anger Translator with him:

Jim Lehrer needs to be replaced with a computer that has an automatic microphone cutoff and a taser.

Andrew Steere
Lyndeborough, NH
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Donald Wong
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Re: debate
October 05, 2012 01:42AM
My thoughts on the debate.

Romney was lying his ass off, but had the "What do I have to do to put you in this Rambler today," schtick going for him.

Obama was lying less, but looked like he was being scolded like a bad puppy most of the time.

He needs to bring his Anger Translator with him:

Jim Lehrer needs to be replaced with a computer that has an automatic microphone cutoff and a taser.

thumbs up
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Stinkfinger Lipschitz
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
October 06, 2012 06:45AM
It's too bad we don't have our politicians with a figurative knife at their throat and a boot on their chest.

It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion.
William Ralph Inge

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Tony Wood
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Re: debate
October 06, 2012 07:50PM
My thoughts on the debate.

Romney was lying his ass off, but had the "What do I have to do to put you in this Rambler today," schtick going for him.

Obama was lying less, but looked like he was being scolded like a bad puppy most of the time.

He needs to bring his Anger Translator with him:

Jim Lehrer needs to be replaced with a computer that has an automatic microphone cutoff and a taser.

thumbs up

Nevermind all that, let talk about the car in you signature....
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Derek Bottles
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
October 08, 2012 04:07PM
Ha I killed a heated conversation this weekend by asking the simple question;

How is the federal government directly (and in a meaningful way) negatively impacting you and how would that change if O or R was elected?

For me the answer is basically not in any way at all and it would not change other than increasing or decreasing my taxes a few thousand bucks.

No one is proposing getting rid of taxes all together...

Sure I rather not pay more taxes but I do like driving on roads, flying out of airports, the rule of law, etc. It will not kill me if taxes go up a bit and no one is talking up more than a few percent for my tax bracket. Not like France who is now talking about 75% tax bracket!

In the long run reality always wins.
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Anne Francis
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
October 10, 2012 08:55PM
Sesame Street Message to Romney smiling smiley

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Jason Hynd
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
October 11, 2012 12:25PM
Derek, my answer to the question 'how is the fed gov impacting you negatively'.

We need gov. We need taxes. I like roads, and law, and as society becomes increasingly complex, more and more things are needed that we provide ourselves collectively through taxes.

But the federal government wastes TONS and TONS and TONS of money. Yes, the wars. And a bloated and inefficient military (believe me, I know), but those are just part of the problem. Every bill is pork laden. Everyone on Capitol Hill, from either side of the aisle has a 'project' to fund that will help to keep him or her in power. Farm subsidies. Healthcare gone crazy. Bridges to nowhere.

The government affects me because they're running up a bill on the credit card that WILL HAVE TO BE PAYED SOMEHOW SOME WAY BY US OR OUR KIDS!

The time for tough love has come. I'm all for taking care of our people, but maybe it's time for us to do that at the community level, but helping our neighbors, instead of turning a blind eye but still feeling good because we payed tax money to fix the problem.

I'm all for helping the guy who falls and breaks his leg, loses his job, and then gets hit with a million in hospital bills (unfairly, but that's another story). But why should my tax money go to treat smokers who get lung cancer? Or people that eat hotdogs and Cheetos all day? Where do we draw the line?

How about this: We bailed out GM with our tax money, supposedly they are now a huge success story (and that's good), but this year they paid zero tax???? WTF? We bailed out the biggest fat cats on Wall Street and the Banking industry, while thousands of small businesses run by MIDDLE CLASS fail? And this by a liberal fed who is 'for' the middle.

Bottom Line: We need the Federal Gov, but we can't trust them. We need to limit its size, and limit its power. All politicians are corrupt. Let's not give them more and more of our money to piss away. Our kids will be paying it back!

Will R fix the problem? I doubt it. O definitely won't.
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Derek Bottles
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Re: Is this place really that apolitical?
October 11, 2012 03:19PM
Our Federal government does two things. It takes money from the working under 65/67 years old and gives it to the non working (mostly old), and it has a defense department.

Everything else is a rounding error.

Everything is inefficient, Business is inefficient, our time use is inefficient and government is inefficient. Sure it can be better but how much better? 2%, 5%, 15%? If all overhead cost were reduced by 15% in government that still leaves the biggest issue, transfer payments from working to non working at the same level...

The two main candidates are not radically different on the how to tackle the really bit issues (entitlements) - they both put their heads in the sand and do not talk about them.

In the long run reality always wins.
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