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audi 80 back at it!

Posted by aj_johnson 
Albert Kun
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 11:26AM
what is that weird spinning plate music player, some sort of antique non-compact disc?
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Robert Gobright
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 11:42AM
A quick and dirty lesson on fasteners:

A bolt in tension functions like a spring. You stretch the bolt by torquing it. The idea is to not stretch it past the point that it will not spring back to it's original length. Once you have stretched the bolt too far it is worthless!!!! The maximum torque of a fastener is determined primarily by the minimum diameter of the fastener (diameter at the root of the threads, determined by thread type) and the grade (material and heat treat) of the fastener.

Based on the above mentioned principals each specific type of fastener will have a standard torque value. this is what John is referring to. Standard torque is for dry un-plated threads. Any electroplating or lubricant on the threads will reduce the standard torque value. This is because lubrication will reduce the friction between the threads and reduce the measured torque. On a side note this is why critical fasteners like rod bolts are tensioned by measuring the amount of stretch.

The point that I am trying to make here is that fasteners are not always used in a way that either requires or allows for them to be fully tensioned. Everything that I have spoken about so far has referred to to the fastener, not the threads into which it engages. If the engaging threads are in a nut of equal or higher grade then all is well. The standard torque applies to the bolt, screw or stud. If on the other hand, the bolt is threaded into a cast iron, forged steel or aluminum part, the torque will be determined by the properties and design of the engaging threads. Trying to guess the torque for a bolt threaded into an aluminum cylinder head for example, is really difficult.

There is lots more to this topic not least of which is joint design.

After years of stripping threads some mechanics develop a feel for it. Although I often use this method I do not recommend it! Always try to use the published torque!


"You are way too normal to be on Rally Anarchy." Eddie Fiorelli.
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john vanlandingham
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 12:12PM
what is that weird spinning plate music player, some sort of antique non-compact disc?

I'll splain it to youse slater.
But what a great tune, what a great concept!

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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Steve Leitch
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 12:39PM
I like this one a whole lot more...

NSFW, Language...

This is the point in the killing spree when you really should turn the gun on yourself
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A.J. Johnson
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 04:37PM
ha ha funny guys. I was under the impression that this was one of those "otherwise noted" instances. It specifically points to this singular bolt and states 17lbft of elbow power.

either way, got the offending bastard out and replaced it with bailing wire and a PBR pop top. Had a quick seance and my great great aunt twice removed is keeping an eye on it.
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A.J. Johnson
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 04:39PM
Since we are sharing good ol songs

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john vanlandingham
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 04:50PM
I like this one a whole lot more...

NSFW, Language...

I am disappoint.

Durante's had melody, humor, irony, and originality, was flat delightful.
Something that you might remember fondly for 20-40 years.

That thing sounds virtually identical to every other thing like that.
Instantly forgetful.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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A.J. Johnson
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 07:07PM
was about to put the head on and torque things down, but I'm having second thoughts about the valve stem seals. I have them in hand but have never changed them before, is this easy enough to do myself? I dont plan on running this head forever, as I have a big valve head I plan on using when I can afford for a machine shop to go through it.

Just run it? or learn how to do the seals.
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john vanlandingham
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
August 28, 2011 08:39PM
was about to put the head on and torque things down, but I'm having second thoughts about the valve stem seals. I have them in hand but have never changed them before, is this easy enough to do myself? I dont plan on running this head forever, as I have a big valve head I plan on using when I can afford for a machine shop to go through it.

Just run it? or learn how to do the seals.

run it.
they're under buckets anyway.

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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A.J. Johnson
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
September 22, 2011 11:58PM
in other news, motor is back together....

And I'm relocating. Got the job offer today, accepting it in the AM. Gotta figure out how to transport all this shtuff back to washington, or sell it all and start over next year, though its prolly not gonna happen in a month. If I really buckle down I could get it driveable and drive the bastard up there. we shall see.

Having a celebratory beer, so cheers gentlemen
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john vanlandingham
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
September 23, 2011 12:56AM
in other news, motor is back together....

And I'm relocating. Got the job offer today, accepting it in the AM. Gotta figure out how to transport all this shtuff back to washington, or sell it all and start over next year, though its prolly not gonna happen in a month. If I really buckle down I could get it driveable and drive the bastard up there. we shall see.

Having a celebratory beer, so cheers gentlemen

Where in WA? Someplace civilised?

John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

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A.J. Johnson
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
September 23, 2011 08:30AM
Spokane wa. dunno if that constitutes civilized.

I'm getting to the point that civilized ain't all its cracked up. Had to press charges against an exhibitionist Neighbor 2 weeks ago, for trying to wank off when the wife and kids were outside. WTF is wrong with people.
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john vanlandingham
John Vanlandingham
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
September 23, 2011 11:14AM
Spokane wa. dunno if that constitutes civilized.

I'm getting to the point that civilized ain't all its cracked up. Had to press charges against an exhibitionist Neighbor 2 weeks ago, for trying to wank off when the wife and kids were outside. WTF is wrong with people.

I'm sure there was a reasonable explanation for that.....

like he's another twisted Freedomâ„¢ loving , family man..


John Vanlandingham
Sleezattle, WA, USA

Vive le Prole-le-ralliat
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A.J. Johnson
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
September 23, 2011 12:05PM
yeah dudes a weirdo. We checked our little subdivision when we moved in, didn't occur to me to check the house on the other side of the chain link fence up the private road.
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Vittorio Bares
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Re: audi 80 back at it!
September 23, 2011 02:02PM
Dontch'yall have guhns up deah in WA land?

In Italian - slang for weewee is "ucello" which translates to bird...

so, you're out bird hunting - nuthing wrong with that is there winking smiley ?
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