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Corolla updates

Posted by John Reed 
John Reed
John Reed
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Re: Corolla updates
May 09, 2013 09:31AM
Oregon Trail 2013 went very well for us. My journey both with the Corolla and driving rally cars started here last year so felt good to come back a bit better prepared and with the car a bit faster.

I can honestly say the thing holding this car back most of all is currently the loose nut behind the wheel. It is very quick. I just need to work on trusting the notes, and going harder on the 5s and 6s and carrying a bit more speed everywhere. Took a bit to judge braking and stuff, as the car is going so much faster than I am used to in most places.

Had a great run with Adam driving Dustin's Corolla both days. He got me by 0.1 seconds on Saturday and while I took the G2 win Sunday Adam still had me on pace by around 8 seconds at the end of the day, but he had some penalties. I was really stoked, my only two goals for the event were of course to finish and I wanted to aim for a podium finish.

Zero issues with the car (other than the radiator needs to be a tad bigger for some of the slower uphill stuff when it is that warm out, so I slowed once or twice to let it recover) in an event that had a lot of mechanical and crash carnage. I actually dropped it out of the trailer near the PDX airport and drove it to Hillsboro Sunday night so my friend could go straight to Oregon City and get to bed at a decent time.

Blake built me some sweet rear suspension links, thank you! And Blake and Kris also came and re-drilled my replacement rear axle for the 4 lug Yota stuff, so thank you again. Just when the Dirty Drifter gang thought this car was sold and gone and they didn't have to work on it anymore......grinning smiley

JVL, your push for simple RWD cars is a good one, and thanks again for the suspension work. The new front suspenders are awesome, car has never felt or handled better.

John Reed
John Reed Racing
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Sean Edwards
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Re: Corolla updates
May 09, 2013 11:38AM
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adam crane
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Re: Corolla updates
May 09, 2013 06:04PM
Stellar racing.
I only feel a little bit bad for those who broke oilpans/turbos/axles/wheels.
Racing a Toyota is wonderful.

I'm really going to need you to enter the Nameless Rally so we have a 'pace car' against the Nameless FT-86.
I'll be racing Patches and it looks like I won't have 'Rookie, one wheel drive Reed' do deal with, unlike last year.

"I put the hurt on dirt" - adam crane
corolla gt-s "Patches"
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John Reed
John Reed
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Re: Corolla updates
May 10, 2013 09:28AM
Yeah Olympus last year was a train wreck, only second event, car wasnt even running till right before scruitineering, one wheel drive for part of it, and worn out stock suspension. I have no excuses now, I just need to learn to drive faster!

I am going to run Idaho, and Nameless Rally is just too close for me both for work time and budget. Plus I may be there in a professional capacity on the FT86, if they decide to go down the path we have been talking on electronics. If not my plan was to come up and work the course or something and hang out.

John Reed
John Reed Racing
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John Reed
John Reed
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Re: Corolla updates
June 25, 2013 09:46AM
Some data tidbits from Idaho Rally. Besides just being an amazing rally from both a roads, location and organization standpoint it was also fun given the altitude versus other rallies I have done (and versus the car being tuned here in Portland at sea level).

This log is from Grimes Creek North on Sunday. You can see the altitude track from the GPS and also the barometric pressure (from a separate baro sensor on the car). I also put the fuel trim up there (which is normally 0% when the car is down here in Portland). Car ran perfect all weekend. Only issues I had is keeping it cool (you can see in the logs she gets a little warm).

Here is the same stage exported to google earth:

And for fun I zoomed in on the coolest transit road ever for a rally. No red trace as I wasn't recording data. I think this would be a fun stage (uphill):

John Reed
John Reed Racing
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Grant Hughes
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Re: Corolla updates
June 25, 2013 01:35PM
Where's the onboard to accompany this? I wanna see what happened at 3:50! Looks like downhill and flattens out, lost some speed and lotsa revs. smiling smiley
Data for data's sake is awesome. What are you using to log this?

Grant Hughes
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Re: Corolla updates
June 25, 2013 01:36PM
Oh, and what do you think of the 4 EGT sensors? Is it giving you any data worthwhile?

Grant Hughes
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Re: Corolla updates
June 25, 2013 01:41PM
John Reed
And for fun I zoomed in on the coolest transit road ever for a rally. No red trace as I wasn't recording data. I think this would be a fun stage (uphill):

That section reminds me of the old Treeline Rally roads. Or maybe Rim.

I have in-car from Grimes. Last year's are posted around here somewhere. This year's I haven't done yet. That stage (in either direction) is my current all-time favorite.

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Robert Culbertson
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Re: Corolla updates
June 25, 2013 02:53PM
What are you using to log this?
I bet John is using the Motec ECU to log data. Or, he's running a Motec ACL.
I believe he's running the M800 ECU, which has a pretty good data aq upgrade available (as do most, if not all, of the lower end models).
The program he's using to analyze the data is called i2, and is also a Motec product. They all integrate very nicely together.
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John Reed
John Reed
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Re: Corolla updates
June 28, 2013 08:00PM
Where's the onboard to accompany this? I wanna see what happened at 3:50! Looks like downhill and flattens out, lost some speed and lotsa revs. smiling smiley
Data for data's sake is awesome. What are you using to log this?

No onboard video yet, need to start doing that I suppose. As a driver development tool combining the data with the video is extremely valuable (and I have done that a bit with FY Racing this year, can show you guys those if you haven't seen them already).

I have a few MoTeC components in the car but my main data "hub" is the CDL3 dash logger.

Oh, and what do you think of the 4 EGT sensors? Is it giving you any data worthwhile?

The 4 widebands are awesome, however I didn't go into it expecting a whole lot as my engine is bone stock still. The engine is fairly even, and since it is NA the window is fairly wide. I haven't had the time to analyze and look for trends to trim out the cylinders. It will play a greater role when I go ITB and even greater still when I eventually go turbo. But mostly it was just to have the system on there to play with and show customers. The longer term plan is to have all this stuff setup for dyno use that a customer can rent for tuning their engine and/or doing engine development work.

Here is a snapshot of the lambda data, also from same stage as above (Lambda 1 in red is the sensor after the collector, and then of course the 4 individual runners shown below that):

John Reed
John Reed Racing

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2013 08:06PM by John Reed.
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John Reed
John Reed
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Re: Corolla updates
December 19, 2013 11:04AM
My adventure with the Corolla continues. It is winter time, no rallies for me till maybe June so figure why not tinker with the car more. Have some cool/fun updates planned over the next couple of months.

Been trying to get some weight out of the car, and this is the first big chunk:

Also dropped around 20lbs with a different battery, along with moving it from current location (high and back in trunk area) to low and behind driver seat.

Also doing a full re-wire, going to put some of the new MoTeC M1 ECU technology in it to demo/test/showcase a bit, along with some minor power upgrades.

John Reed
John Reed Racing
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Dirt McGirt
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Re: Corolla updates
December 19, 2013 11:33AM
I thought this car looked familiar, I snapped a cell phone pic of it at OTR 2013. We hiked into a hairpin, caught the cars on the way out. Sweet build!

"Just add more 'Stop-Leak', it's a Duratec, it'll be fine..."
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